
informasjon som omhandler tyske kystfort/bunkere/installasjoner fra den andre verdenskrig. Legg gjerne inn linker til f.eks youtube eller scan inn avisklipp o.l

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Posts: 384
Joined: 20 Aug 2007 16:44
Location: Stavanger

Jeg fant en samling med bestefarhistorier fra krigen, mye interessant, både fra tysk, japansk og britisk side.

Fant det på et bilforum av alle steder! ... -wwii.html

My Grandad recalled with glee how he was watching the British forces through binoculars when they captured the weapons. A few of the soldiers then started mucking around with the rocket launchers and as one of them fired, the blast out the back of the panzerschreck knocked 3 of his mates to the ground. PDT_Armataz_01_14

He said Norway was tough. They'd drop into snow that was 6 foot deep in places so they were actually losing men.

Siden dette er gjenfortalte historier, på et bilforum, så kan vi nok ikke forvente at alt er like nøyaktig. Uansett morsomt å lese :)
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